Friday, May 30, 2008

The Flip: First Battle Cover Art

Cover shot - Patrons of the Flip coordinate their attack to battle one of the minions sent to shut down the bar. Magi is a teleporter...

Ink over Pencil

The Flip: Patrons & Reluctant Heroes

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Flip: Anti-Man travels...

Bad directions lead to a brief and violent confrontation with a snoozing troll.

The Flip: Anti-Man's Ride

Anti-Man's current ride: CAR 8
• 4 hybrid Crane Brother's wheel engines
• Custom Paint
• Hypno-Hedrion Headlights
• Q4007 Radio Transmitter
• JamJIM XP - Radar Frequency Scanner/Jammer
• Dutch Upholstery
• A+++ Safety rating
• Sensible Brakes

Monday, May 12, 2008

Strecker Graphics: Indianapolis Motor Speedway Holiday Card 2007

Just getting around to posting some previous work. I used a pen and tablet for the final render for the first time. I was slow to adopt it, but now feel pretty at ease with it. I still occasionally move back to the mouse for clipping or just to rest my hand. I also included a small shot of the actual card with the graphics done by a designer at the speedway (inset).

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Flip: Anti-Man character study

Anti-Man is creating his bionic arms using all the tools at his disposal. He occasionally runs afoul of henchmen sent by the Power Co. to shut off his illegal siphon.


The Flip: FutureDick

FutureDick is the living embodiment of corrupted power. Through unknown means he has returned from the future to reek havoc on the denizens of The Flip.

Ink, Marker, Colored Pencil

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Meridian Road character studies

Berke and Binky - Gear

Sketches for the gear that B&B use for everyday adventures.


Meridian Road character study

Alex upgrades a circuit board during one of Shizinaku's (the robot) much needed tune-ups.
Digital Painting

Rave at The Flip

Rave has caught Anti-Man's bloodshot eye. She's a hard partying waitress at The Flip and dreams of a day when robots are self lubricating. She is allergic to shellfish and drunken astro-frat boys.

Original scanned pencil drawing

Computer color

Meridian Road Cover

This is a preliminary design with color for the cover of the comic Meridian Road. It was sketched, scanned, and then rendered in Photoshop in about 10 hours.

Original scanned pencil drawing

Computer color with graphic elements

Meridian Road character studies